Chinese New Year Message, 2020 (Year Geng Zi庚子)



願特區政府一方面選賢與能,以「德」與「慧」感化大眾,不偏不倚,更以具體的德政關懷大眾之需;另一方面,建立符合真理與慈善的價值觀,鼓勵青年學子,勤謹學習,展現生命本然的愛心和智慧;在尋求社會公義平等時,能堅守和平理性非暴力的原則。並以 「求同存異、和衷共濟」的宗教交談,化解人心惶惶的困擾,給香港市民打開生活的希望。所謂「諸惡莫作、衆善奉行」,在善中,蘊含人心間的「仁義禮智信」及寬恕諒解之道必能煥發。




香港佛教聯合會會長    寬運法師
天主教香港教區宗座署理  湯漢樞機
孔教學院院長       湯恩佳博士
中華回教博愛社主席    薩智生先生
香港基督教協進會主席   蘇成溢牧師
香港道教聯合會主席    梁德華道長  聯啟


The Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
Chinese New Year Message, 2020 (Year Geng Zi庚子)

On the occasion of the beginning of the Year of the Rat (Year Geng Zi 庚子, 2020) in the midst of economic uncertainty and social instability in Hong Kong, the Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong cordially offers our blessings and prayers to all the people of Hong Kong. It is our wish that we can hold hands and walk together in the spirit of mutual respect by abandoning violence and resolving differences. We must, together, overcome the hard times with universal love and harmony so as to rebuild our home and once again recreate a beautiful Hong Kong.

We pray that the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, on one hand, can pick virtuous and capable officials of ‘benevolence’ and ‘wisdom’ to touch people’s hearts and use benevolent policy to give concern to the needs of society. On the other hand, the government must establish the value orientation that befits truth and charity. Young people and students must be encouraged to learn and study conscientiously and display their innate love and wisdom. They must also be encouraged to firmly abide by the principle of peace, rationalism and non-violence while seeking social righteousness and equality etc. We will also use interreligious dialogue to ‘seek common grounds while preserving diversities and work together harmoniously in one mind’ so as to release the human heart from fear and anxieties. It is our greatest wish to open the door of hope for the people of Hong Kong. The saying: ‘Do no evils but do all things charitable’ means that, in goodness, people bear in their hearts ‘benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith’ that can shed light on the way to forgiveness and understanding.

On the happy occasion of the auspicious New Year, we, the Six Religious Leaders must first and foremost, wish all in Hong Kong to preserve the union of the heart and soul in oneness.

We all the more cherish the wish: ‘That virtue will give enlightenment to the good earth of our motherland so that all ethnic groups co-exist in harmony; that trade and the economy and technology thrive and progress ethically; that religious identity is implemented; and that the benevolence of humanism is fostered and demonstrated.

We earnestly pray that God will bestow upon Hong Kong peace and blessedness, the virtue of filial piety and the virtue of deference as well as peace to a conflict-free world.

The Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong
The Most Ven. Kuan Yun, President, The Hong Kong Buddhist Association
John Cardinal Tong Hon, Apostolic Administrator, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
Dr. Tong Yun Kai, President, The Confucian Academy
Mr. Sat Che Sang, Ibrahim, Chairman, The Chinese Muslim Cultural and Fraternal Association
Rev. Dr. So Shing Yit, Eric, Chairperson, Hong Kong Christian Council
Mr. Leung Tak Wah, Chairman, The Hong Kong Taoist Association

21 January 2020

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